
We aim to develop AI techniques to confront the fundamental challenges in the optimization of networked autonomous systems, such as robotic systems and intelligent edge networking devices, especially in the presence of uncertainty.

Two research thrusts will be pursued:

  1. Trustworthy AI decision under uncertainty for autonomy: This thrust will tackle reliability challenges for autonomy under uncertainty. This is achieved by learning accurate 3D world models from LiDAR and camera data to serve as environment emulators, which enable the learning of certifiably safe actions based on data-driven probabilistic reachable sets of stochastic dynamic systems.
  2. AI-driven optimization for distributed autonomy on the edge: This thrust will achieve scale in autonomy and tackle practical AI deployment challenges on the edge. It develops distributed optimization algorithms over communication graphs to solve multi-agent problems, including motion planning, reinforcement learning (RL), and stochastic games. We also propose efficient distributed training strategies employing coding theory for reliable learning and optimization on the edge. These techniques enable peer-to-peer communication, local storage, and computation for multi-robot systems, and enhance networked edge devices with intelligent resource management.